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Suez Canal

(Verb) The unfortunate situation of taking a massive cargo ship sized poop in someone else toilet and clogging it horizontally. Upon flushing, the huge turd becomes a buoyant floater and then after the flush it spins horizontally thus blocking the toilet hole. A precarious situation because flush after flush accomplishes nothing and using a plunger to break it in half will cause a catastrophic mess. The large poop must me repositioned by hand or cut in half by a high pressure stream of piss.

At Stacy's house party.
Todd: "Hey Brian I need some help. I just Suez Canal(ed) Stacy's toilet and that poop ain't moving."
Brian: "Ooof we better take care of this before one of the girls sees it. That's one hell of a Suez Canal! I'm gonna try to cut it in half with my high pressure piss after drinking these 10 Bud Lights."
Todd: "Thanks so much man! Should we just reposition it by hand or throw it out the window."

Brian: "That's a negative, we might be seen. Also Todd here's a little advice, you should consider wiping when you're at a girls party."
Todd: "Thanks again for the advice man! Let's try to cut this thing in half with piss before someone else shows up!"

by UncleDaddyPopPop May 16, 2022