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The origins of this word/name can be traced back to the ancient text of the Andradians and UncoCott. There are 2 meanings that have been found. Dominique literally means "light of my heart" and as a symbol meant.."The angel who was sent down to prepare this world for the return of God's Son." Females of this name are from birth known to be very intelligent, funny, always on the go, great writers/storytellers and attractive. to say that they attract all forms of life. This may stem from the fact that have been sent by God. Our names choose us..not our parents choosing them. If you are lucky enough to have made a friend named Dominique, always remember that she has chosen you. Although they easily make friends, they are very picky with whom they share loyalty and true friendship. If you befriend a Dominique, never let that friendship leave you...it's a blessing from your God 0 : )

I feel sad when i haven't seen Dominique for a while, then when i finally do, the sun is shining in my heart again.

by UncoCott September 26, 2010

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