Where three men each insert their penises into one of three holes leading to one conjoined gap in the middle. The objective is to be the first to cum without watching any pornographic or arousing content. Last individual to ejaculate will have to each the residue inside.
Hey, I know this might sound a little gay but wanna try that threeway melon game?
Lil Holmie is a word used towards the smallest, weirdest, stinkiest and the bitch of the group.
"Ayee Huey, How've you been lil holmie" or "Yeah this is the lil holmie Huey, Don't mind him"
When three men form a triangle with their legs (while naked) and each taking turns masturbating with a hotdog bun and having the person on their left going next , the person who fails to cum first has to eat it . If they don't eat it all within 30 seconds they have to eat out the other 2 guys ass and blow their shit up , giving it it's iconic mame , Arabic Triangle
Hey boys , Wanna play the Arabic Triangle game tonight?
Zecryption is this weird, zesty thing which is most commonly used upon Fortnite players vocabulary! This person is more than likely the best in the lobby and shockingly a controller player!
P1: "Yo this is my man Zecryption, he's a bit gay but he's cracked at the game"
P2: "Bet you he isn't better than Vear"
P1: "Shit.... you're right"
Where a bunch of uncircumcised men collect their dick cheese and start a cheese factory.
Hey Max, wanna start a Cheesecake Mafia?
Dignatize is a very well known Fortnite Pro based on the OCE servers! He has a puny flaccid penis but a GIGANTIC erection! This guy is the type of guy to sexually arouse and seduce his fellow friends! He has cumbusted inside multiple fertility clinics across the Western Australian Borders!
P1: I love sex
P2: Dignatize fucked my turtle
P1: tingz be wildin ykno bro eh eoh huey