Juno is a very butifol, amazing, smart, cool girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She has many chickens, cats, rats and fishes. She was pooped out the 16th of january and must learn for her test week. Oyaloyayaya she has an amazing voice and is loved by everyone. She is rebelous ;0 and dresses like a zwerver. She is also netherlends. ðª
Jon jeremy: awwr pirates, who is that ugly lookong appelsap?!
Perpula: do no i think it might be juno and her family?
Linda: omg i got junos autograph
Thomaat: BURN IT NOW!!!
A red haired 18 year old male, who likes to have relationships with 15 year old blond females and make them pregnant to spread the ginger virus all over the world. If u see one immediatly run away and never look back!
Kayla: omg i finally have a relationship with laurens!
Jena: is he a ginger?
Kayla: um... yes?
Jena: run away now!
Kayla: i can't i'm pregnant.
A very s.ho.r.t person. This guy likes to dye his hair. He is obsessed with stoners :) He likes my mom. He also i very familiar with furry activities. He claims to be a green wolf. If you see a mirmo in public, turn around and never look back
That mirmo is very cool.
Annabetha: Why is my mom riding on a green wolf
Patrick: oh no worries it's probably a mirmo
Gimar: My grondma just died
Larat: omg that's so mirmo of you :O
Yummybanaan is an amazing tiktok creator who used to post cringey harry potter videos, now its a creator with the most funny jokes and fantasitic humor. We love the person behind this super funny account. With a profile pic of a polar bear inside a snow globe. Very disturbing but wonderfull.
Klaas: Did you see yummybanaans new video?
Petra: no i didn't because they never post anything haha.
Berend-jan: i just broke my moms nose!
Geraldine: ohhh thats so yummybanaan of you!