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Unexpected Niggary

When you are of a different race or color in a foreign country and an African-American proceeds to call you a Nigga
You have taken part in a process called "Unexpected Niggary"

Foreigner: Hi i am new in this country do you know where i can find the movie theater?
African American: Yeah sure my nigga take a left by walmart then continue for a mile
You have just been unexpectedly Niggad. Unexpected Niggary

by Unexpected Quotes October 8, 2018

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Unexpected Niggary

When you are in a foreign country and you are of different race or color, and an African-American proceeds to call you a Nigga
unexpectedly. That is Unexpected Niggary

Foreigner: Excuse me sir, I am new in this country and i need help with directions would you like to point me to the direction of the movie theater?

African American: Yeah sure my nigga just take a left turn ahead.
You have been called a nigga unexpectedly. Unexpected Niggary

by Unexpected Quotes October 8, 2018