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Say + Sainik (Hindi word for Soldier)

is a morbidly obese + sex and sleep deprived individual who happens to be a fanboy of a massively cringe Indian youtuber called Saiman Says
Saysainiks are completely devoid of socializing with people and spend most of their day scrolling through the Subreddit of Saiman says and his YouTube channel. The recorded IQ of the most intelligent Saysainik was just 60. Saysainiks are just a bunch of self-proclaimed danklords from the Indian community and credit themselves for bringing the concept of Dank to Indian social media. Although Saysainiks suffer from the phobia of eating vegetables they still chant this war cry of theirs "Bhendi ! Bhendi !" which translates to "Okra ! Okra !"

Retarded Individual 1: Hello good sir, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Saiman Says?

Sane Individual 2: No !
Retarded Individual 1: Please sir I insist. Saiman says is the only way to be free from the constraints of bland internet humor. Turn to Saiman Says and repent or else you'd be doomed forever to watch cringe your entire life. Apply for the position of Saysainik now and save yourself.

Sane Individual 2: Man shut yo goofy ass up and take a bath or something.

by UngusThePungus July 4, 2022

Its Dhaakadin' Time

Dhaakad is a 2022 Bollywood movie released on 20th May. This movie was an utter failure at box office and was bombarded with negative reviews from both audience and critics. The story of this movie is just very mediocre and predictable and if you're still interested to watch this movie, just pirate it for fucksake. The main protagonist is basically written by a feminazi suffering from some serious brain injury. The protagonist is just a emo female version of John Wick and not at all original in anyway.
The massive failure of this movie was on the same level of the 2022 Hollywood movie Morbius. The movie was released at the time when the famous Morbius catchphrase "Its Morbin' Time" was taking the internet by storm. Indian Netizens started to tease and meme the hell out of the failure of Dhaakad by creating their own catchphrase which goes "Its Dhaakadin' Time"

Deez: Aye fam yall wanna dhaakad
Moe: Yeahh Its Dhaakadin' Time
Joe: Guys What's Dhaakadin anyways?
Joe: Guys please chill, atleast explain me what does it mean
Deez: No !
Moe: Noo !

by UngusThePungus July 4, 2022