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A totally beautiful name. Meaning goddess of the moon. Girls who have this name are usually extremely smart, fabulous, gorgeous, and perfect. Don't believe me? Go watch Friends!

A: Wow, Phoebe, you're so pretty. Not just today. Everyday.
B: Yeah, and you have super great grades, too.
C: Oh and you're the nicest human-being I've ever met.
Phoebe: Aww, thanks, guys! Y'all are awesome too.

by Unicorn Avocado July 23, 2020


A kind of disgusting, ugly creature, best known for being a freaking copycat. They are incredibly stupid, and aren't aware of that. People get terrified just by seeing their troll-like face.

Me: Patty is being a b**ch again...
Teacher: Oh, you poor thing. Now don't you worry, I will kill her and throw her to hell.

by Unicorn Avocado July 23, 2020