A Found-footage, Sci-fi, Thriller, Drama film from 2012 about three Seattle high school teenagers who gain Telekinesis through a mysterious gem-like material in a hole in the ground after attending a rave. The Protagonist Andrew Detmer has a shitty life he gets bullied in school, on the streets, abusive father, dying mother, unpopular etc. The telekinesis starts to affect the 3 main character's psyche, with Andrew having the power go to his head and he becomes the "Villain" and with Matt becoming the "Hero" , (Also Steve dies but he probably would've turned a Hero.)
One of the best movies ever to debut ever, I still watch it in 2017 till this day.
"A lion does not feel guilty when it kills a gazelle, you do not feel guilty when you squash a fly....and I just think that means something.... I just really think that means something". (Crushes Car) - Andrew Detmer (Chronicle 2012)
2👍 2👎
When you've fucked up so bad you just gotta take an L for the rest of the year
Damn Jeffery got setup, that female gave him the wrong address to meet and fuck and he went to her brothers house and got Beat The Fuck Up! That nigga gotta take a 20L7! LMAO!!!!
2👍 1👎
A badass Pokemon introduced in Generation V, Placed as #625 in the National Pokedex, and evolves from Pawniard at a striking Level 52. What is most interesting about this particular Pokemon is its unique type combo (Dark / Steel), Its Samurai based design , The Pokemon has a Very Serious nature and is not one to be fucked with, as it will most likely take your head off clean with a Guillotine if encountered in the wild. (Before it's army of Pawniard pierce/slice your skin with it's sharp steel blades 1-by-1.) Also this Pokemon can be both Male and Female and it's pretty badass to be a Female Bisharp .
Oh No! is that a Bisharp and an army of Pawniard, there's no way i'm gonna defeat them with this Level 10 Lillipup, Well we might as well die with dignity.
10👍 1👎