Source Code

Character Induced Stupidity

Character Induced Stupidity, or CIS, refers to any natural mental limitations that characters impose upon themselves and reduce their ability to use their own skills and powers effectively. Unlike PIS, CIS does not occur because the plot requires it, but because the character is genuinely that dumb.

Examples of the CIS-afflicted include characters such as Rhino or Jar Jar Binks. Standard CBR fights do not exempt the contestants from CIS.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Spiderman vs. Firelord, or SvFL, is a shorthand that refers to any time when a character performs a feat that their powers and skills should be blatantly insufficient for, and is not repeated or is rarely repeated again relative to the character's overall established career, as well as the character's opponents' established showings. In statistical terms, it is an outlier, something that is radically beyond the character's established capabilities.

For example, Spiderman defeating a herald of Galactus is a case of the SvFL exemption; however, Batman being able to sneak up on Superman is not because he has done so frequently under different writers.
For standard CBR fights, feats considered to fall under the SvFL exemption are not valid. Likewise, examples of writing which go against firmly set canon are also ignored. For example, in Larry Hama's run of Batman and Grell's run of Iron Man, both characters were out of character and did things very much against established canon; therefore those runs are disregarded.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Standard Equipment

Each side starts out with the equipment that they normally and have been shown to consistently carry on them.

For example, Daredevil would have his billy-club, but Reed Richards would not have the Ultimate Nullifier.
In a scenario fight, the contestants in whose city/reality the fight takes place are allowed access to any material resources they usually have there or of any team they're active members of, as long as they can reasonably get to them. For example, in a scenario set in the DCU, Green Lantern would have access to equipment in the JLA Watchtower, but not the Titans headquarters.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Character shield

a shield that says the character can't lose a fight that he's in,or if he does,he'll always win in the end.

Watch the Evil Dead movies for the Examples.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

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Basic knowledge

Each side receives basic knowledge of the other. A good measure of this would be what the general population of the character's homeworld knows.

For example, that Superman has a weakness to Kryptonite is general knowledge, but that he's Clark Kent is not.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Plot Induced Stupidity

Plot Induced Stupidity, or PIS, is when characters don't use their abilities or skills to the fullest extent as shown before, even within their personality ranges, for the sake of the story plotline. It makes lesser powered characters an actual challenge against higher powered characters in the comics.

Examples of PIS include Flash stories lasting longer than three panels, or Toy Man as a threat to Superman. Standard CBR fights exempt the contestants from PIS unless otherwise specified.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

68πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


It is assumed that each contestant will fight to his/her best ability. That means they will use any powers at their disposal.

For example, even though The Flash doesn't clock each of his own opponents in the first picosecond in his own comic, it is assumed that is a viable tactic on this board since it is a proven fact that he possesses that level of speed.
It is also assumed that the characters fight at their optimum levels of ability - not explicitly weakened or unusually powered up for those who have variable power levels.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

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