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Can stand for three things, 1. Dungeons and Dragons. 2. Do not Disturb 3. Dicks and Dinner


Person 1: Hey do you like DND?
Person 2: Yeah, it’s a pretty fun game.

Person 1: Why do you have DND turned on???
Person 2: Cause I’m doing my homework.

Person 1: How was that DND last night, tell me, was he good?
Person 2: Yeah, really good.

by Unknown Person 24 November 2, 2022


This word has a couple definitions,
1. Dungeons and Dragons
2. Do not Disturb

Person 1: Hey, wanna play DND with me?
Person 2: Sure, but isn’t the game super complicated?
Person 1: Yeah, kinda. But you’ll get used to it
Person 2: If you say so..

Person 1: Why do you have DND on??
Person 2: Cause I’m doing homework.
Person 1: Ohhh can you turn it off when your done?
Person 2: Sure.

by Unknown Person 24 November 2, 2022