Source Code

choi oi

means the sky is blue in smlang

choi oi! ong choi sky is so blue and beautiful!

by Unsweetened LoVerr February 6, 2008

9πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

skinny fat fucker

someone who is skinny but is a big fat fucker aka shithead aka asshole

M : like OMG put name here thinks he/she can outdo me....I run this town
C : thinks to self....here we go again
M : I know everything there is to know so that makes me the bossss
C : sure it does whatever U wanna believe dud, I mean....dude
tally : I'm scared....I'm running awayyyy now U skinny fat fucker

by Unsweetened LoVerr January 30, 2008

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


means such talented evolving energy in smlang

Such Talented Evolving Energy

then it was like gimme a S! O! T!.......then I was like wow S.T.E.E....how can I ever forget such a joyous event of a lifetime

by Unsweetened LoVerr February 6, 2008

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Not good enough Not up to standards Not up to par

I'm not up to par boo friggin hoo I'm gonna cry waaaaa waaaaa

by Unsweetened LoVerr February 3, 2008

37πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


angkhuc means you are a true blue friend in Vietnamese

a. may angkhuc khong? :)
b. ang ang nhieu lam 8
c. mieng may thui~ qua! 8\
d. ha ha ha! phai roi~ mi den

by Unsweetened LoVerr February 8, 2008


abbreviation for too tired to live

whore|manwhore|HO says this and that

response is TTTL so stfu and stuff a muffin in it

by Unsweetened LoVerr February 13, 2008

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


when something is so hilarious it makes you lose your existing religious beliefs

That show was soooo funny!!It was holyhilarious!!!!!

by Unsweetened LoVerr February 8, 2008