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The Global Elite

The best rank in CS:GO that only hackers and boosted cunts can achieve...

Me: Hello gaijs, what ranks are you guys...?
The rest of the team:The Global Elite!!!
Me: Hackers/Boosted Cunts!
The rest of the team: Vote by: {player}

kick player: {you}

by UpbeatDragoon10 August 1, 2017


Turkish word for stupid.

Amin is being such an aptal!
Cmon, stop acting like an aptal

by UpbeatDragoon10 March 21, 2020


En ambulans.

Sila tugget! Håll brödsaxen! Annars får du en tjottablängare rakt mellan lysmaskarna så du får åka plingplong-taxi till plåsterhuset, kärring!

by UpbeatDragoon10 August 14, 2017

2👍 2👎