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The act of having sexual intercourse with the candy “starbursts”. You may wonder how that can be possible. Or even slightly enjoyable. However, urban dictionary is a lesson on humanity’s endless ingenuity! Do not doubt their ability to make it happen!

The biggest problem with starburst is how they don’t have icing on them. So I started starbusting and there we go!

by Ur Meming April 14, 2021

Poopy Head

The most dire and taboo of insults.

It takes dragging humanity to desperation for someone to even consider deploying this Armageddon of an insult! It should only be used in the most rare circumstances of self defence. Beware for with great power, comes great responsibility. It must only be used on predators and rapists, the most vile of humanity. And not political opponents or the other children on the playground. It has been known to cause emotional trauma merely from uttering the first syllable of this disastrous phrase.

Oh yeah!? You atac meh? Well ur a big poopy head!!

by Ur Meming April 14, 2021