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mr. capretta

The best elementary school teacher on the planet! He also has a tomato garden

When mr. Capretta teaches: "Okay class, so the way gears work is that......yeah my family celebrates Christmas

by Ur dad January 25, 2016

12👍 8👎


you suck so much at counter-strike that u STINK

u aren't l33t u are f33t

by Ur dad March 10, 2003

3👍 19👎

Triple J

A Triple J consist of a Hand job, blow job, and rim job all at once! YAY

Tommy gets Triple J's from Lee

by Ur dad March 10, 2003

23👍 72👎


a sleezy whore, or female who will never stop blowing

joe: did you see that hoebag walking down the street?
josh: yeah she was banging!

by Ur dad June 17, 2006

12👍 13👎