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A chunk of snot with a certain viscosity or consistency which makes it able to be spit long distances.

I just hucked a lugie on the window and it's really hanging in there...

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY December 3, 2008

41πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


something that's cool...sorta. Other people do it too, its nothing special. Said when you really don't care.

P1:DUDE! I just saw Kill Bill!
P2: Oh. Trendy.

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY October 22, 2003

11πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A un-athletic person who is real weak, but not small, their body is almost jello like. This person will not be very active and will sit around all day playing mostly videogames. This person also has very little muscle for their size. This person is also under constant suspision that everyone is watching him or her.

Wow, that kid is really flumby, let's go beat the shit out of him!

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY January 5, 2005

19πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


This word is quite obviously a mixture of the words dude and man. It takes the "coolness" and the "casualness" and the "chillness" from dude, and it combines it with the "seriousness" and all the other stuff that makes "man" different from dude, all into one word. It is all encompassing, having more "emotional depth" than just "dude" and "man" alone.

Etymology: This word was invented by Drew Nutter, originally used whilst (not while, whilst sounds cooler) talking to his dad, he would call him "dadman man dudeman" (cuz his name is coleman so its like a mix of 'dad' and 'coleman', cuz like theres a 'man' in 'coleman')(actually it wasnt used whilst talking to his dad, its more like thats what i call him when i talk to myself lol)

yo that was knawesome dudeman

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY August 10, 2006

143πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


A place where cunts often live.

She lived in a Cuntropolis for a short period of time.

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY June 23, 2009

59πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


chicks that hang out with Cangris, or PR followers of reggaeton and dy, etc.

mira esa girla, papo! esta bien buena. me gutaria darle alli y mantenerlo real!

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY July 12, 2006

24πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Googling yourself to see where, when, and how often you show up on the Internet.

Joe: I wonder why Tom was so late to work this morning?
Tim: I guess he stayed up all night narcissurfing.
Joe: They guy is such a narcissist.

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY May 23, 2006

39πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž