Source Code

Oui Oui Hon Hon Baguette

French for " Yes yes I want baguette "

Pronunciation: wee-wee-on-on-bagett

Frenchman: Oui Oui Hon Hon Baguette
Person 1: uhhhhhhh...

by UrLocalSeagull May 22, 2023

Flying Diarrhea

basically means poo that flies

also called 'flying turd' or 'shooting caca'

Joe: i got da flying diarrhea
John: that means ur poo flies LOL

by UrLocalSeagull March 1, 2023

Flying Diarrhea

it basically means shooting diarrhea, and is often referred to as 'flying turd' or 'shooting caca'

Toby: i just got flying diarrhea
John: that means ur poo went flying lol

by UrLocalSeagull March 1, 2023


a chicken in a sack

there's a cul-de-sac lol

by UrLocalSeagull May 22, 2023

worst dictator

Vladolf Putler

Vladolf putler is the worst dictator ever

by UrLocalSeagull May 10, 2023

Oui Oui Baguette

French for ' yes yes baguette ', which is kinda nonsense

Person 1: Oui oui baguette
Person 2: Bruh

by UrLocalSeagull May 22, 2023


An animal that is called a 'rat with wings', white nasty bird

I am the seagull lol

by UrLocalSeagull March 1, 2023