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Carmel Valley

A shitty suburban part of the northern SD county. Built in 1974 (?), they have their own shit newspaper, some parks, a decent library, and a couple strip malls (the most popular being the 'Highlands', as the locals call it). The town is an even 10-20 or so miles across.

For the most part, rich whites/asians live on the upper half of CV and poorer middle class people live on the lower half of CV. No black people whatsoever, a decent amount of Mexicans though.

The people who live in CV tend to go to the 'Highlands' and buy useless crap and/or shoot the shit. Sometimes they walk dogs around the parks. Sometimes they just stay in their houses and get locked into the daily grind, resulting in chronic depression.

Politics in CV consists of white people running for the council and debating about the new strip mall that might be built next to the current strip mall. The people opposing the new development go on hour long rants about the extra 30 seconds of traffic they'll have to endure if it's built. The people supporting it just want another place to sit around and jerk off at.

Schools in Carmel Valley are well funded and enough rich white kids / asian kids go to them, making the schools in the area consistently rank high on national ratings.

Carmel Valley is like any other suburban California town. Not too interesting, but probably has a higher than usual suicide rate.

Carmel Valley is a great place to live if you just don't give a shit anymore and want a place to raise your asshole teenagers.

by Urban Dicktionarie May 9, 2016

22👍 5👎