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Another word for gay cat. If your cat is having homosexual relations, he or she is a permeethian.

"Dude, your cat is licking another boy cat, he must be a permeethian."

by Urban Duude January 9, 2018


When one is so blackout drunk, beyond the capability of the ability to form real words.

“Habba da habba da”
Damn he musy be jegsoned right now.

by Urban Duude December 2, 2020


When you leave a wet shit in someone else’s toilet and cover it with toilet paper so when they flush it later it makes a poop cloud that smells terrible.

I so wanna wanna Shid-Bomb to nerd’s house right now

by Urban Duude February 13, 2019

Ninja diffuse

When an underage girl has an abortion without the knowledge of her parents

I got jenna pregnant, but she ninja diffused the kid so her parents dont know what happened.

by Urban Duude March 14, 2021

2👍 1👎

Pulling a Chang

When you get really close to your crush just for them to leave you for a kid in the play.

Dude, I thought me and Shea had a thing, until that kid in the play Luke started dating her. Im totally Pulling a Chang

by Urban Duude December 2, 2020