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Wrong Generation

A term often used as a sad excuse for people to show their insecurity about their tastes in music.

In reality, there is no such thing.

People who claim they were "born in the wrong generation" often have difficulty understanding the fact that music today is so much more than West and Bieber while forgetting that (lets face it) popular music (and society in general) from the 60s to the 80s wasn't perfect either.

Person 1: I was born in the wrong generation. The music was so fantastic compared to today's garbage.
Person 2: Sure about that? I wouldn't wanna live in a world where segregation was still a thing, a war was happening in Vietnam and the world was still trying to recover from WW2. And who says all music today is dull EDM? Make an effort to find a band or solo artist who writes music with passion and spirit. They are out there.

by Urban FH April 27, 2017

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