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Facebook Stalker

1. Someone who responds to about every post, likes every post, etc. that you post. The only exception to this is that simple minded family friend who does not really understand Facebook, or family of course. Depending on who it is, it's hard to get them to stop. You can drop them, but it's not always that simple. The best option is to cut them off from your news feed, as that avoids the "why did your drop me boo hoo" drama. Family cannot generally be a Facebook stalker. You dad sometimes quotes on everything because, well, you know dads...

2. A non-existent person that a person worries about by looking for tools to track their supposed stalker. Since it really does not matter if someone is looking at your pictures six times a day, there is not point in worrying abut it. The only real way to know a stalker, or worry about it, is when they post or like. Otherwise, like them browse your pics. It's rather vain and stupid to try and found out who they are. It shows a person who feels very self-important and conceited.

Definition 1

Bryan: "Amanda is pretty much liking everything I post. It's a bit annoying."

Jeff: Yeah, she's a facebook stalker.

Definition 1:

Katie: I really wish I could find something to see who is looking at my pictures all the time.
Tiffany: I know, like totally. It's so creepy to thing about.
Sophia: Yeah, it is creepy, but let them. It's not like it's hurting you. It's different if they are constantly commenting on your stuff, etc. I mean does what some creeper does in their own time really matter. It's like some guy masturbating thinking about you. Creepy maybe, but let him.

by Urban Sophist April 6, 2015


1. This is the only valid use of the word: A guy who looks at kiddie porn, molests children, rapes women, etc.

2. Otherwise it is a rather juvenile word to denote someone different. For example some random guy in the back of a photo, as if he intentionally was there to be creepy. Generally someone, almost always a male, who is different. They may have Asperger's or some other such condition, and so not able to socialize very well, they come off weird, even too strong sometimes, especially towards women. Vain, conceited women call them creepers because they are rather foolish and insensitive to what others suffer. Just like they might not understand everyone is not as well of as them money wise, they forget that not everyone is socially skilled as they are. It also denotes a guy who is perhaps artistic, scientific, etc, who does not act like a total ass. His male peers may call him this. In short, it is a overused term that should only be used for perverts, but has been applied to any guy who is a bit different.

1. "Jake just got arrested for possession of child pornography. Total creeper." (proper use)
2. "That weird guy John said high to me. He's such a creeper." (wrong use. The girl forgets that good mannered people say hello, and that because the guy may be an Aspie or something, he is generally more formal, and thus may come off stiff and "creepy". The proper response is to say hello, and then if the guy persists, show gently you are not interested.)

by Urban Sophist April 6, 2015

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