Source Code

change request

When someone within the non-IT practicing part of an organisation documents a constructive idea he or she has with respect to the correctness, functionality or performance of a software or system, then duly files that ("the Change Request", "the CR") in the agreed ticketing system for someone with a distinct responsibility for the development and continuous improvement of that software or system to incorporate and implement in the software or system, and hoping that it will eventually be handled and delivered, only to finally conclude that the CR process is nothing but a self-service trash for important and relevant ideas that no-one within IT will in fact ever lift a hand to service.

That's a very good idea! We understand what you are missing. Yes, that would be great. So that we don't forget about it, could you please file a change request in <name of CR system> and we will plan it for a future release.

by Urban Swede November 14, 2016