a fuckin institution' like, where poh twats go, like an learn fings. Vey don' mess aroun' like and vey wana goto colege, like.
I is guessing vat you lots is all radley doods, so i is finking vat i might get mi boys to hunt you down, like.
35👍 83👎
The moment you wake up, you grab your phone and take a picture of yourself while still in bed.
The rule is you are not allowed to fix your hair, put on make-up, turn on the lights, or even remove the crusty stuff from your eyes. The first thing you will see will be the flash from the camera. Then you post the picture to social media.
Jane: Is that what you looked like when you woke up?
Tom: Yes. It was my morning selfie. It is the new trend, but not everyone has the guts to do it.
148👍 6👎
A holiday for men that falls on March 14.
The official website (steakandbj.org) says that since Valentine's Day is really a holiday for women, there should be a special day for men. Most men don't want roses or stuffed animals. Men like steak and blowjobs. If the man treats his woman good on Valentine's Day, then she should treat him good on March 14 by giving him the 2 things men enjoy: a steak and a BJ.
Jill: Remember when you spoiled me on Valentine's Day and made me feel special?
Jack: Yes.
Jill: Today is March 14, which is Steak and BJ Day. I made you a delicious steak, and later you're getting an awesome blowjob.
192👍 15👎
According to the holiday's official website (steakandbj.org), Valentine's Day is a holiday created by greeting card companies, and that day is devoted to women. To be fair, there should be a special day for men to enjoy what they like. What do men like? Steak and blowjobs.
If a man treats his woman special on Valentine's Day, then she will treat him special a month later on March 14. Since men don't want flowers or teddy bears, his special day consists of a steak and a blowjob.
Sally: Do you know what today is?
Harry: March 14. Steak and Blowjob Day.
Sally: Yes. Since you made me feel special on Valentine's Day, it is time to put your meat on my grill.
890👍 99👎
A holiday for men that falls on March 14. If the man treats his woman good and makes her feel special on Valentine's Day, then she should make him feel special on Steak and BJ Day by giving him a steak and a blowjob.
See the holiday's official Steak and BJ Day website: steakandbj.org
159👍 5👎
The male version of Valentine's Day. Per the holiday's official website at steakandbj.org, if the guy takes care of his girl on Valentine's Day, then she makes him feel special a month later on March 14 by giving him the 2 things that men love: steak and a blowjob.
Tom: What did you do on March 14?
Bob: Susan made me a steak and then gave me an amazing blowjob.
Tom: Why?
Bob: Because I spoiled her with flowers and a nice dinner on Valentine's Day, and March 14 is Steak and a Blow Job Day.
Tom: Damn. I shouldn't have ignored my girl on Valentine's Day.
Bob: True! Hey, I posted some pics on the official Steak and BJ Day Facebook page. Go see facebook.com/steakandbj
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