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This is one of the most mispronounced words in the English Language. It should rhyme with "coffin". It isn't "off-ten".

Person A: How off-ten do you read?
Person B: Apparently you read too much, since it is "often", not "off-ten"!
Person B: (writes "listen" on a piece of paper) How to you pronounce this word?
A: Listen. it has a silent T.
B: Then why do you pronounce it in "often"?

by Urine Corporation April 1, 2013

32πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A mythical being taught to young children as a fact. In American culture, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter bunny are the three primary Santoids. The Stork is a more minor one used to explain where babies come from.

People typically learn the truth, sometimes even from their parents, by 12. They learn that their parents placed the gifts under the tree, took the tooth and replaced it with money, hid eggs at 3 AM, and one night they got together and...you know.

The name comes from "Santa" plus "-oid", meaning "Santa-like."

Some say that Santoids are used to allow children to think critically and question everything.

Others say they are used as secular substitutes for Jesus, or as a way of commercializing Christmas/Easter. In the case of the stork, it is to protect their fragile developing psyches.

"Sinterklass is a Santoid that Scandinavians teach their children. It is just like Santa, except it isn't."

"In the minds of atheists, God is just a Santoid some people never grow out of."

"Monsters under the bed. The Scary Santoid. By three, you go through nights of no sleep, but by 6, you realize it is just a coat."

by Urine Corporation June 12, 2014


Short for "Contrary to Popular Belief." Used to refute a popular argument.

CTPB, not all men are like that.

CTPB, sweat is actually odorless. It's the bacteria that causes it to stink.

CTPB, Macs are PC's too.

CTPB, it is actually "Frankenstein's Monster." "Frankenstein" is the scientist.

by Urine Corporation August 7, 2015

Banana face

When someone has a prominent chin that gives the face a concave, banana-like appearance.

This quality can be considered unattractive and mannish in women.

It is the impediment of many male-to female transgender people, who often seek out facial reconstruction surgery to reduce the size of their chins.

It can be made less obvious by only taking selfies with the face pointed directly at the camera.

Sarah has a horrible case of banana face.

by Urine Corporation February 12, 2017

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A person who eats meat but not fish. The opposite of a pescatarian.

Carnitarian myths:
Myth: You will mess up your brain without fish!
Truth: There are plenty of non-fish sources of Omega 3. Some would argue that flaxseed oil is worse since it is not DHA, but our bodies can convert non-DHA omegas to DHA. Flax also has the added benefit of being mercury free.

Myth: Countries that eat fish are smarter!
Truth: Lets look at the statistics. USA is about 30th place worldwide for math, and Germany is twelfth. (Source: Business Insider) Yet Germany has a LOWER per-capita fish consumption. (Source: UN)

Myth: But you haven't tried THIS fish!
Truth: If I hit my hand on a glass wall, and then hit my hand on a concrete wall, would I have to hit my hand on a stone wall to see whether I like it or hate it?

Myth: Fish is lean protein, with no cholesterol!
Truth: Fish has cholesterol. If you want some lean protein, try some beans.

People have such double standards. They have no problem with vegetarianism or gluten-free diets, yet they make fun of people who don't eat fish. One is "an alternative diet", while the other is "immature picky eating" in the minds of fish eaters.

Many Americans are carnitarians.

Carnitarian: Fish doesn't deserve to be called protein. It is practically a veggie. It smells worse going in than it does coming out.

by Urine Corporation July 22, 2014

77πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Choir kid

There are three types:

The choir geek: They are very interested in music. They may have good voices, but their primary talent is actually enjoying sight-reading. They have a passion. They enjoy it above everything else. They may major later on.

The ch. nerd: The sole purpose of his membership is that he can't fit in with anyone else. He acts like a little kid, may run around in practice, and make stupid jokes that a non-ch. kid would have bullied him for.

The plain ch. kid: Doesn't want to be too involved (see example for more info.)

Do not confuse thechoir geek with the nerd.

Typical choir geek joke: A: what is the name of that funeral song? B: what? A: This one (hums tune) B: That's an aria. how can an aria be a funeral song?

Choir nerd jokes, on the other hand, are usually in some way related to excrement, if not, are just plain stupid.

The first two types both use choir as an outlet, as a social group, that all your friends are a part of. However, the plain ch. kid is smart, in that he realizes that choir is a CLASS. He takes it because it is the most interesting Elective (not group), but is either in sports, or simply thinks that the others are too weird, which they are.

Choir kid

by Urine Corporation October 19, 2012

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Short form of Allison, Alexandra, Alice, Alicia, Aleah, Almira, or any other girl's name that starts with AL.

Allie is usually very shy, but fun to be around once you get to know her. She loves to give you hugs. She can be hard on herself, though she is very beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside. She is usually creative, whether it's art or music.

Add an Allie to your life.

by Urine Corporation December 13, 2017

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