Rachel's are people usually Capricorns born in January. Usually they are a big MOOD periodt and always act high. She has a lot of friends and it shipped with every boy in her class. If you say anything mean to her she wont give a fucccc. on the other had she has been in the middle of a lot of drama and spills the tea all the time. Rachel's are part of the popular squads and is probably the leader and most liked. usually rachel's look intimidating and part of the mean girls but shes really nice if you get to know her.
New Girl: 'oh no her names rachel she must be a mean girl.... i do not what to mess with her. she could ruin my reputation she part of the popular group!!'
Nice Girl: 'its fine shes not mean, shes actually really nice when you get to know her. just talk to her, she'll like you, I promise'
New Girl: 'OMG really i had a rachel in my old school and she was suppper mean to me!! its good to see i wont get bullied anymore!!'