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Cursed image

Basically, an extremely disturbing image/drawing/photomontage/cgi that will haunt you and mess you up for a while. Usually consist of mixing two unmixable things or concepts and, once you see it, it can't be unseen

"wtf did i just saw?"
Ah yes, cursed image

by Username that nobody uses October 28, 2021

Cursed image

Basically, an extremely disturbing image/drawing/photomontage/cgi that will haunt you and mess you up for a while. Usually consist of mixing two unmixable things or concepts and, once you see it, it can't be unseen. Mostly appears on internet and social media.

"wth did i just saw?"
Ah yes, cursed image

by Username that nobody uses October 28, 2021

Cursed image

Basically, an extremely disturbing image/drawing/photomontage/cgi that will haunt you and mess you up for a while. Usually consist of mixing two unmixable things or concepts and, once you see it, it can't be unseen

"wth did i just saw?"
Ah yes, cursed image

by Username that nobody uses October 28, 2021