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One who falls into the label of the punk scene. Traditional punkers wore 501 levis or tight plad pants known as bondage trousers. They usually have their hair in some sort of spike form, be it "Plain spikes", a 'hawk or liberty spikes, although the hair can be anything, these are the most popular. Most punkers are againts "Selling out", the act of giving into main stream things, such as buying high priced clothes or being "trendy". To day, being a "Punker" dosent have the same meaning that it did 30 years ago. Most "Punkers" to day will buy high priced "Punker clothes" at trendy stores or with hold the "Fuck the goverment and society" idea.

"Most punkers today would'nt know what punk is if the Sex pistols walked up and kicked them in the ass"

by Usernames Suck December 28, 2004

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