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Don't lie to make friends (DLTMF)

Someone who lies in order to make friends.

Arta going on this website and saying that "Usuf" lies to make friends, when really Arta was actually lying that asif lies to make friends....only so that HE could make friends!! ahahaha I would reply:

"Arta, man Don't lie to make friends (DLTMF)"

by Usuf December 15, 2005

12👍 16👎

Cock Accusor

Someone who accuses another individual of making out with another without no proof or evidence.

John was talking to Melanie, then they went to her house, did homework together, and John returned home. Upon returning, his friend accuses him of sleeping with her. John replies, "Man, quit being such a cock accusor. . ."

by Usuf December 15, 2005

5👍 24👎