A word that I just made up. It smells like fish and tastes like timey-wimey bananas.
Jonybalkyokmyjucky, fellow human!
agony plus pain plus longing plus distress plus anxiety plus infinite madness and tears
Oersonn 1: "I feel plugain"
Psjershun 2: "thqt ish sadd"
The opppooaistetd of memery
Caused by unironically viewing Meowbahh
Causes polethaeple to writhe in plugain
Dethed Pershon: aaaaaaa dethe i ha ahhe deth
Lihved beRshon: youk desever iiet
The disease of only saying jonybalkyokmyjucky. Caused by watching cringy TikToks.
The Jonybalkyobmyjuckeesz is a terrible disease that makes me sad, man!
Jonybalkyokmyjucky but with a d at the end.
Jonybalkyokmyjuckyd, fellow tomato!
The oppppppisoytione of Glood.
Brohe, Cluteniant Erque is weaaly Bwaad!
Good but bad and also very chaddetically erratic.
Goold? Gold? Ggdlo? No, Glood.