Source Code


Means: Tell Me When You're Back. Used specially in internet language, it's used when two people are chatting on the internet and one of them leaves for a while, the other asks to know when his/her friend will be online again.

Note: The final B may be changed and use a "R" (to mean ready) for non-internet uses

A: Dude, that was awesome!1
B: Yeah!! Hey, dude, I gotta go, I'm gonna be afk for a while
A: OK, then TMWYB then, ok?
B: Sure, dude!!

by Uxiesama September 2, 2012


It's when you have spent lots os hours in front of a computer during a lot of hours, and your eyes are red, and you feel like your eyes are burning; specially if you've been playing very addictive videogames for a long time (for instance: +8 hours)

Guy 1.- Dude, you look burnt-eyed again, have you been playing WoW again?
Guy 2 .- Not really, I started at midnight farming some stuff for my guild.
Guy 1 .- Dude!! It's midday now!! I think you've got a serious problem, uh.....

by Uxiesama July 25, 2012


something to eat, specially if you don't have to cook it or put it in the oven/microwave, it's also something you can eat inmediately, such as a snack, but also it can be a meal that's already made and you're ready to eat it. Also, if you scream it, it means you're hungry

Example 1
Guy 1- Dude, do you have some jalufa?
Guy 2- Oh, so you're hungry? I got some waffles with chocolate syrup!! really yummy!!
Guy 1: let's go!! eating time!!

Example 2
Son: JALUFA!!!
Mother: don't worry, son, lunch time is 5 minutes left....

Example 3:

Shopkeeper: Hello, may I help you?
Customer: Sure, I was looking for some jalufa
Shopkeeper: I got some just made bakery, do you want some?
Customer: Sure!!!

by Uxiesama February 24, 2013