Source Code

sketch'd out

When someone is paranoid, drug-addled, or overly alert.

The waitress was totally sketch'd out out after the under-age sting operation.

by V Money June 4, 2014

Fish Out

Used to express farewell usually followed by a raised index and middle finger (insinuating peace)towards the people addressed.

V*Money: yo mang, when the fuck are you gonna get them blunts?

WaltWater: aiight mang, imma go get em, optimos right?

V*Money: Yes sir..

WaltWater: "FISH OUT"

by V Money April 28, 2004

6👍 41👎


to roll up some trees..

i might go and drink some more and start twirlin em.. then i might go and get my pipe sucked by your girl and em..

by V Money April 28, 2004

28👍 45👎