You, with your hair, your 2 eyes and a beautyfull smile.
You are the one than is running around in my head. From the moment i saw you i wanted you. I was too afraid for your answer. You are so pretty, no pretty isn't the right word. Its like, when you walk in a room i will start to smile. My eyes always find you, even if i try not too. I learned sow mutch from you. You are. Just.
And yes i know that nobody is perfect and yet. You come sow close to that word for me.
When i see others looking at you, my heart starts beating sow loud because what if you will like here more than me.
What if she is the perfect one for you en i am just numer 8. What if she dares to tell you. " I like you "
Because i don't. I am afraid. I am sow extremly afraid.
You know that.
Deep inside you know it.
And you don't say anything too.
I will never be able too tell it.
I like you, not somebody else
I want to feel your lips and your hands.
I want you.
Now more then ever.