(Noun, both singular and plural.) A veela is a mythological creature from Slavic origin, also sometimes written as Vila. They're very similar to Sirens. A Veela is a very attractive female creature, often depicted with long, silvery hair, who is able to enchant anyone who feels attracted to girls, with her striking beauty, angelic singing voice and elegant moves. Most sources describe her as a water creature
When a Veela gets angry, she transforms into an ugly monster-like mix between a bird and a humanoid. She grows a sharp bird beak and monstrous wings, and will throw fireballs.
Most sources say Veela were always female, although there are some sources that say male Veela did exist, but had less powerful enchanting powers. Some sources say Veela are born from souls of women with great heartbreak.
Veela make an appearance in Harry Potter, in which they are land creatures. Fleur Delacourt was half-Veela.
The sailors felt so enchanted by the beautiful, mesmerising singing coming from the ocean, that they completely ignored their captain's orders and steered the ship right into the Veela's trap.