Source Code

Beethoven's 9000th Symphony

1) When you code to the point where you don't know what else to do but to randomly type in jibberish into Blue J. When asked what you are doing, you reply by saying you are playing Beethoven's famous 9000th Symphony, epic in composition and magnificent in execution. Button mashing, frustration and subtle humor at its best.

2)The most invincible code on the planet.

1) Josh: Dave what are you doing?
Dave is seen smashing his keyboard repeatedly after making his fourth for loop.
Dave(in humorous and frustrated tone): I'm playing Beethoven's 9000th Symphony.

2) Jimmy: Yes, the Beethoven's 9000th Symphony program may be built in only one method, violate abstraction barriers, recurse infinitely, use all the system memory, and divide by zero without a ZeroDivisonError

by Vejeta February 27, 2012

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