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The perfect end all be all of foods. It can be anything you want, PB & J? Yep! Tuna? You Bet! Coleslaw and Pickle? Absolutely! All it requires is 2 slices of bread and something in between.

Troy: I want a sandwich!
Narrator: Troy then procedes to make a Pickle and mustard sandwich because Troy is a waste of air.

by Very Funny Comedian December 11, 2019


A really cute and precious cat, one who deserves to be remembered in this small corner of the internet for when she eventually passes away. Her fur is a dark brown around her body except her stomach and paws, which are a tan color. She is very affectionate and follows me around the house all times of the day. She hates being put into pet carriers due to her being kept in a very small cage before I adopted her. I love her very much so I am writing this to remember her, and thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night. Please don't delete this mods, I just want to be able to come back to this when she passes away so I can remember her.

Noah: Redbud is very precious to me. She climbed onto my computer while I was writing this is what she wrote.
Redbud: 4fomm24'.e ;eme;fmwrfocpwfomw;elcr;e.

by Very Funny Comedian May 5, 2022