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A concept that unites the words "beauty" and "fuck". It's used to symbolize a person who is still beautiful despite challenging traditional beauty, as if saying "fuck (the standardised concepts of) beauty!".

Lee: Dang, that big girl is smokin'!
Ariane: You're right, she's BEAuTIFUK.

by ViaD'Agem September 6, 2017

Roulise it dyckes

An expression used by lesbian women to compliment each other.

Via: We look good today Kate!
Kate: Roulise it dyckes!

by ViaD'Agem September 7, 2017


Interchangeable with "sis", used mostly amongst queer people.

"How you doing, sus?"

by ViaD'Agem October 12, 2019

Wig flew

A phrase that originated from Danho's homonymous song, used quite often in Stan Twitter. It signifies a state of shock, surprise, or excitement caused by a song, event, video, or image.

Gigi: OMG, did you see that video?
Andrea: Of course, wig flew!

by ViaD'Agem September 8, 2017