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stuck up, insecure, dumb bitch, ugly ass hair cut, small pee pee, stink ass, no one give a fuck about, thinks he’s all that, unimportant, irrelevant, if you come across a kholzan, run for the hills.

“knowing a kholzan is like playing monopoly with bad luck, you’ll always land on a trash estate.”

by VickylovesM November 25, 2023


hottest guy ever.

“omg look at makani, he’s so hot, HAVE MY BABYS”

by VickylovesM November 25, 2023


hottest guy ever, but he’s a dick.

“look at makani, he’s such a ass but he’s so hot”

by VickylovesM November 25, 2023


built like a stick, but honestly a 10/10. smoking hot but has such a dick personality. definitely not worth your time for long-lasting relationship, but good to fuck around with.

“omg that’s was so good waimoku, but definitely won’t have you around long terms.”

by VickylovesM November 25, 2023