Source Code


1. A shortening of the term "scroll up," which became popular shortly after the advent of text messaging, meaning to point out something that has just been typed or said, and the person you are chatting with is either too wasted or just plain stupid to recall.

2. To tell someone to pay attention - or get one's head out of one's ass.

3. To flip one's shit on someone. Similiar to saying "snap" or the more archaic "face" as a quick response to acknowledge that individual just got served.

"Yo b - when we gonna hit that shit?"
-"Scroll nigga - I just told yo ass we'd hit that shit after I gets me some foods ta eat - my ass is starvin!"

"Hey Toke - where'd yo ass get that bag of weed from?"
-"Sroll bitch - I told yo ass I's gots it from Tyrone - aaiiight."

"You better not be slappin' my sista Coco 'round no mo"
-"Shit, I ain't be smackin' dat bitch."
"Then it must be her other man - OOOHHH - SCROLL!"

by Victa E December 17, 2004

20👍 33👎

Hot Ballooning

The art of stuffing one's balls into someone else's ass, allowing the anus to grip firmly down on the nut sack. Similar to tea bagging, but instead of dipping one's nuts into the recipient's mouth, the more difficult task of cramming them up one's ass is excecuted. Appreciated for it's snugness as well as warmth - a rare act, and one to be cherished for it's degree of difficulty. Also known in some circles as "N in da A" (Nuts in the Ass).

"Damn Tron - you clowning dat bitch out! - stuffin' dem nutz in her ass - hot ballooning dat shit out!"

"Why you walking funny James?... James responds, "shit nug - I's gots my ass hot ballooned last night by Tyrone again - hurts like a mutha fucka!"

by Victa E August 21, 2006

49👍 18👎