Source Code


slanged up english

ebonics: fo shizzle my nizzle. holla bak fo a 40 n mah grill.
english: of course my african american friend. Come back to have a drink in my home.

by Victor March 15, 2004

46πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


A decent ragnarok online server using Aegis software. Located at an internet cafe known as treehouse net, thats where treeRO's roots were derived from. Known for its friendly community, treeRO is expected to grow as time passes.

You hear about treeRO? It has over 700 regged accounts!

by Victor August 9, 2003


where u take part in placing a live snail into a womans vagina. if it get caught then you cum in her and lube it up

yo last night i totally snail naled ellen

by Victor February 25, 2005

4πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A level of difficulty in Dance Dance Revolution. ddr

Theres the beginner, light, heavy, and then the oni mode

by Victor December 14, 2003

45πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A GNU/Linux distribution that isn't as easy to install as Red Hat-based distributions, but is very stable. You have to build it from source. It's worth it, though, as it builds into your system.

It takes three commands to install Gentoo.

# cfdisk /dev/hda && mkfs.xfs /dev/hda1 && mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/ && chroot /mnt/gentoo/ && env-update && . /etc/profile && emerge sync && cd /usr/portage && scripts/bootsrap.sh && emerge system && emerge vim && vi /etc/fstab && emerge gentoo-dev-sources && cd /usr/src/linux && make menuconfig && make install modules_install && emerge gnome mozilla-firefox openoffice && emerge grub && cp /boot/grub/grub.conf.sample /boot/grub/grub.conf && vi /boot/grub/grub.conf && grub && init 6

That's the first one.

by Victor March 9, 2006

341πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


A Japanese plate that consists of roasted seaweed, rice, fish, and vegetables. Wasabi can be added on to it.

Man, this sushi is FUCKING SPICY!

by Victor July 15, 2003

259πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž


A freshman (in high school or in a college/university)

Stupid fish, the lunchroom is over there.

by Victor December 30, 2005

86πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž