"Jamban" is more like a made-up word in Malay.
It means "Toilet".
The "Jam" in it is another word that means clock.
This has been used to make jokes.
(Like Dad Jokes)
(Though the word-play is similar to Knock-Knock Jokes)
(In Malay)
A: Jam apa yang bau?
B: Apa?
A: Jamban.
(In English)
A: What clock is smelly?
B: What?
A: Toilet (Jamban)
In Sabah, it is the other way to say "Boleh" in Malay.
It is an affirmative word meaning:
- Can
- Yes, can.
- Yes, you/they/... can.
(You get the point)
In English, it is translated to "2 times 5". (Which sounds like a math equation)
But the meaning is to say that someone or a group of people that they're basically doing the same thing as someone else.
Usually a bad thing.
It could mean: "They're all just the same."
Here's how you use this:
In Malay:
A: 2 kali 5 ja durang ni.
A: Janganlah kamu cakap-cakap lagi- sia tau kamurang semua salah juga ni.
In English (for the sake of translation):
A: They're all just the same. (2 kali 5)
A: No need to say more- I know you're all in the wrong.