A type of diabetes that often causes people to rage and get salty when they die in video games such as Fortnite, Rainbow Six: Siege, Counter-Strike: Global-Offensive. The type of diabetes often causes the person to get sweaty when playing video games and blame everything on others, not himself. People with this problem often cause people to "try to fit in" and act all edgy and pretend like they're the shit. This type of diabetes can also be referred to as, "Toxicplayer Syndrome", "Fatboy syndrome", "Cringe Syndrome", or "Ash-Jager-Main Syndrome".
Guy 1: Hey, did you hear that John has a case of Toxic-Adem?
Guy 2: Explains a lot.
A disease common in regular people nowadays causes the wearer to have an insane amount of binge eating and lack of exercise. Along with this, because it is commonly found in gamers that have this disease, with them being so overweight it will cause them to become the most toxic, salty, unwanted, shit-talking player to ever have on your team. Another effect of this disease causes the wearer to try and be all ''hip'' and think he's so cool and that he's the shit, often being the complete opposite and very cringy.
Guy 1: I want to become a professional e-sports player!
Guy 2: (bursting into laughter) What, do you have a case of EliteQueer?
Guy 2: Don't listen to him, he probably has EliteQueer.
Guy 1: Just bought the new Ultraboosts and NMDs boys!!
Guy 2: He doesn't even look good in them because his feet are just like his belly, nothing but fat. The PK overlaps on the boosts.
Guy 3: He has EliteQueer, don't you know?