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A {notably} averagely three-inch orange fish. They're like {swordtails}, but without the tail. They are one of the {live bearing} fish, not to be confused with the goldfish.

Platy fish eat their kids.

by VioletThePurple March 14, 2023


A lady that dances very aggressively, close to being an exotic dancer but the Minecraft version.

Jk Shakamakalady is a word me and my brother made up.

by VioletThePurple July 13, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Youtuber who used to be known as GloomGames, but the name changed. She creates videos such as gaming, reaction videos, DIYs, challenges, and more. Her name is Kassie, and she has 5million YouTube subscribers.

Gloom is an awesome YouTuber.

by VioletThePurple July 2, 2020

64πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


That guy with the cute long hair that flirts with any girl he can cause he's an attention whore. You're screwed if you fall for him, cause you might think he genuinely likes you and you'll get jealous when he goes flirting with others when they reciprocate.

I've been heartbroken by two fuckboys in a row. I wish I could stop falling for them.

by VioletThePurple December 9, 2021


The perfect day to do everything you had planned today.

Person 1: "I'm going to study today."
Person 2: "You mean tomorrow?"

by VioletThePurple November 25, 2017

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Watch This

Famous last words.

Person 1: Hey watch this!
Person 2: *looks at person 1*
Person 1: *attempts to do a backflip and falls off of a building*

by VioletThePurple October 17, 2020

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A pet you keep, or having a baby.

"Come here pet cum!"

by VioletThePurple July 12, 2019

44πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž