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Paris Hilton

Paris is the sweetest person like since forever. She's never really done anything that bad. She had sex. SO FLIPIIN WHAT?!?!?!. So do alot of people, but since her freako boyfriend filmed it, it for some reason makes HER a bad person. NO i dont even think so. She didnt wear pannies one day and some one caught it on camera..hmm..let me think SO FLIPPIN WHAT!?!?!? I'm pretty sure that most people on this earth have gone commando one time or another, we just dont have paparazzi following us around all the time. So to our advantage its not caught on camera. I feel sorry for the poor girl. She's my role model. You know why? Because she has to deal with CRAp that ignorant people give her all the time. Anybody that can do that and not go insane rocks in my opinion.
Oh yea and so what if she's skinny. I'm a zero slim and I eat twice much as alot of people. But because she's not 300 pounds overweight she gets called bulemic and anorexic. Maybe she's also not as smart as everyone else. Well look at yourself retards. You guys are the ones that have to get online to look up the words that your friends used today..Now who's talkin..GET A FREAKIN LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid person- Paris Hilton is an f****** slut
Me- I'm gonna punch you in your face now because I dont like you

by Virgin Jess April 12, 2007

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