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Sarah Palin

-A "Maverick" from Alaska;)........who does everything people tell her to do.

-A disgrace and a 40 year setback for women across the nation

-John McCain's pin-up doll
synonomous with ditz.

"Gosh darn, wink wink!"- Sarah Palin
"I'll have to get back to ya!"

by Virgo Bootz January 30, 2009

65👍 6436👎


THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!! The most qualified person to rule this country considering the past eight years was run by a person with "experience", who had the whole world loath the United States, and put this country into a recession.

He is the man that has the most amount of people to arrive at his inauguration. He united the country...I'm sorry, he united the world. No one has done that!

am I missing anything?...Oh yeah...

A man who has too many haters(even on urban dictionary.com)! This mean he's doing something right.

Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States.

Barack Obama is the first recognized African-American president.

Barack Obama is bi-racial.

Barack Obama raised the most amount of money during his presidential campaign while the country was in a recession.

Yes We Can!
Ha ha haters...
Barack Obama, Barack Obama,Barack Obama, Barack Obama,Barack Obama,Barack Obama!!!!!

by Virgo Bootz January 30, 2009

2234👍 1861👎