A human being who has evolved further from his or her Homo Sapiens species and who relies upon a larger extended virtual digital brain, predominantly filled with free and open knowledgeware such as Wikipedia, that is stored on the cloud servers of the internet. A Homo Wikiens use his real brain more efficiently for logical and subjective processing and keep it less occupied of information that can be sourced from internet or books.
The next stage of evolution of mankind from Homo Sapiens to Homo Wikiens can not be ascertained as purely biological as the civilization has critically influenced and disturbed the patterns of 'natural selection' and 'survival of the fittest'.
The talent to make a huge profit from contracts by arranging tenders with exclusive specifications suitable for the suppliers by acting as an intermediate agents between powerful politicians, committees and bureaucrats and a certain contractor or a collaborative cartel of a few of them.
Mr. Blood Diamond has built-up his immense wealth and boundless real estates by smartly staying out of limelight and yet effectively using his great tenderpreneurship in a span of less than two decades.
A person who makes money by lobbying between powerful politicians or bureaucrats and greedy contractors.
A number of smart tenderpreneurs have made immense wealth from the major contracts issued by the government.
The practice of totally retrogressive unscientific medical care propagated through social networks and television channels by amateur, unqualified, holistic or such other alternate healthcare practitioners.
(Not to be confused with monopathy).
Mohanopathy is not just a dangerous experiment on any individual's life but also a dreaded social epidemic of modern internet era.