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A Wikipedia satire website that spoofs far-right Christian fundamentalism. It teasingly promotes Young Earth Creationism over evolution, jokingly labels atheism as an insidious evil infecting the world, and...wait, what? You gotta be kidding me - that site is SERIOUS?!? Good lord.

I used Conservapedia to help me write my book report, but my teacher told me I'm in third grade now, and should know better.

by Voidsoul April 8, 2009

532๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who either:

a. Does not have any theistic beliefs of any nature ("weak" atheism)
b. Actively believes that there is no God, or indeed any matter of supernatural entity ("strong" atheism"

There are two noteworthy things about the concept of atheism:

a. "Atheism", or a- in front of theism, simply means "not theistic". Therefore, the literal definition of the word atheism is what was referred to before as weak atheism. The differentiation between "weak" and strong atheism, however, is now necessary, due to the proliferation in use of labeling strong atheism as simply atheism.
b. "Belief" that there is no God is still the important point here for strong atheism. No reasonable atheist would assert that they KNOW there is no God, just as no reasonable theist would assert that they KNOW there IS a God - there is no proof for either preposition, and thus certainty is impossible either way. However, strong atheism relies on the fact that logically proving something does NOT exist is far harder than proving something does exist (and in fact is generally impossible), and thus tends not to perceive a lack of absolute proof that there is no God as a weakness in their arguments.

I am an atheist. This tells you nothing about my personality, character, or intelligence. All it tells you is that I do not have particular belief in God. That is all that atheists have in common.

by Voidsoul August 1, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Perhaps the most ironic "word" in the history of ever. Frequently preceded by "your" in extreme cases.

"Hey libtards, YOUR RETARTED LOLOLOL!!!" - George W. Bush

by Voidsoul May 12, 2009

227๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž