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BP- is short for Black People

Guy1. BP is a huge problem.
Guy2. Yea I know all the oil in the Gulf is terrible.
Guy1. No Black People have been causing a rukus outside my house.
Guy2. Oh Word.

by WAC ZOOBERRY July 5, 2010

45👍 121👎


Jagerbongs-n. Jagerbongs are Bongs filled with jager instead of water or beer.

The smoke is like the red bull and the jager is like the jager. Creating a Jagerbongs.
The Jager is like the beer or water, and the smoke is like the red bull that makes it great.

by WAC ZOOBERRY June 28, 2010

59👍 4👎

The Igloo is on Fire

The igloo is on fire- saying
It is another way of saying when shit hits the fan
Or away to describe there is a problem.

Problem1. Power went out.
Person1. The igloo is on fire.
Person2. That cant be good.

by WAC ZOOBERRY July 17, 2010

45👍 13👎


BPH- stands for Beers per hour. The higher the BPH the more beer is needed for this person.

Person1. Hey whats your average BPH?
Person2. A little under 36.
Person1. Shit we are going to need more beer.

by WAC ZOOBERRY July 9, 2010

51👍 2👎