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A slang term for "close" "together" "cool" "hip" and other similar words.

A word used by people too lazy to used the correct term and/or seeking to be perceived as cool by using a type of slang that typically is very far from their up-bringing.

That guy from Nob Hill said "Hey, your ride is tight," and sounded like a real wannabe.

by WSafireWannabe April 17, 2004

53👍 46👎


1) Someone who beats his wife is a "wifebeater" but this isn't the main definition of the word when used to define an article of clothing.

2) The main definition for Slang Urban purposes A type of sleeveless undershirt, of the kind that used to be worn by almost all men in the 50's. If you watch the HBO Drama The Sopranos, you'll see Tony (the lead character) wearning this type of undershirt.

Also has associations with slovenly, unkempt, sloppy, etc. Someone who just woke up and hasn't combed their hair or washed up and appears at the door in a wifebeater shirt, scratching themselves, is a stereotypical picture that comes to mind.

This sleeveless undershirt with a deep round neck and deep arm openings has acquired the connotation of an article of clothing worn by someone who beats his wife -- perhaps because of the unkempt, slovenly nature of the garment when worn alone on a middle aged man with a gut, sitting in an easy chair, scatching at himself and demanding to be waited upon lest he smack around the person waiting on him.

3) The same shirt, worn as daywear or nightwear by slender young women as a kind of fashion statement. Meg Ryan has worn them in movies, as have other stars/starlets -- not typically worn by a well-endowed woman, it is considered cool for a woman (who can get away with it and looks good) to wear this type of undergarment as an outergarment.

Note: It wouldn't be called a wifebeater when worn by a woman, for obvious reasons. It would just be another instance of a woman wearing typically male clothing and looking better in it than the guy does. ;)

There goes Anthony answering the door in his wifebeater; you'd think with the gut on him that he'd realize it doesn't look good.

"Take that off right now! You look awful; like a wifebeater/gangster or an unkempt homeless person in that greying old sleeveless undershirt!"

She's slender and in good shape; that slightly snug sleeveless undershirt (wifebeater) she's wearing looks great on her.

by WSafireWannabe April 20, 2004

153👍 95👎


Feminism is the belief held by a feminist. A feminist, in turn, is someone who believes that women are entitled to equal rights which in turn means equal pay for equal work.

While there are most assuredly some feminists who are extreme in their beliefs, and who do dislike men (usually as a result of abuse or rape) most feminists -- and one need not be a female to believe in equal rights for both sexes, in fact, one wonders why everyone doesn't believe in equality -- most feminists are simply seeking equal rights under the law, and equal pay for equal work.

Feminists do not hate men, nor are they "ugly dykes" -- it is infuriating to see hateful, useless, polarizing descriptions of this kind. In point of fact, the men who define feminists as "ugly dykes" are almost always the kind of men who create extremists; if I'm trying to obtain equal pay for my work, and I'm told that this is not a legitimate goal, but instead that I am "an ugly, hairy armpit, fat, can't get laid bitch" (this comes from one of the definitions) then I'm likely to feel extreme dislike for that individual.

If this happens enough times, you can see why a feminist would turn into an extremist and start hating the people who delight in mislabeling her and distorting her beliefs.

And of course there are greedy, ugly souls out there who are women, just as there are greedy, ugly people who are men. Given the dispersement of wealth in this country, the majority of these people are men, not women.. but there are a small minority of women who are as bad as their greedy, uncaring, "it's not my problem" male counterparts. No argument there.

The MAJORITY, however, of feminists are people who work for a living, work hard, and are frustrated at having to work twice as hard to make less money than their male colleagues. They don't want to make MORE for less work, or less experience.. simply equal pay for equal work, and equal protection under the law.

The only thing really in question is why anyone WOULDN'T support that. Why would anyone be AGAINST equal protection under the law, and equal pay for equal work unless that individual believed that women were a lesser life form or not as "human" as men, and therefore deserved to be treated without equality under the law, and without equal pay for equal work.

And if you believe that... well, then you're not quite sane, are you?

Feminists believe that all people, male and female, are entitled to equal protection under the law, and equal pay for equal work. The question is, why don't YOU believe in it?

by WSafireWannabe April 21, 2004

2507👍 10724👎