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WWB stands for Women Who BBQ’.

WWB is a movement based on a mentality. Anyone can ‘be WWB’.

Every 1.2 minutes during the summer months a boy or man will insist on taking over the lighting of a BBQ somewhere in Britain. WWB is a movement which seeks to defend women as more than capable of something as simple at BBQ-ing. But please note, WWB also stands for so much more than merely that. Members of WWB get shit done, they are capable of anything... they certainly don’t need kind/patronising BBQ ‘advice’ from men in Hawain shirts or ill-fitting shorts and heavy duty beer breath. WWB is a way of life, it embodies a can-do attitude only a true WWB-er has. Some people don’t even know they are WWB. You should strive to be WWB.

Wow who was that woman, doing that thing, looking really capable? She must be WWB.

by WWB Warrior June 6, 2021