A really bad fortnite player and is also really ugly. He is a transgender bisexual who likes boys and girls but sadly cant pull either (all we know it that he is a tranny and he might have a fanny). He tries to look cool during the day but he is just such a loser and everyone knows it thay when he gets home he hugs his mommy.
Look at that loser over there, his namr must be conner!
8👍 15👎
The biggest bot in fortnite is a faggot
What a fag, he must be a jack sax.
A huge faggot that races cars and thinks is cool and a sport. Hes really fat because all he does when racing is sit on his ass and turn left.
That man drives cars and is fat, must be a Trevor Egg.
An absolutely godly fortnite player and a very handsome man. His arch rival is a man by the name of connor bain and he is a massive faggot. Any other definitions for David DuPont are false and this definition is the most truthful.
Look at how good he is at fortnite! He must be a David DuPont!