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One could call Ozcar a Mexican faggot. He enjoys crying, posting in a horrible, incomprehensible form of English, and crying. If something insignificant happens in his life, he'll make a post about it, such as "I walked past some grass today," or "I got the bus," or "how do you please be liking my haircut?

Whenever one of his bizarre threads comes into existence, idiots will flock to them to say, "omg Ozcar I love your new shoes," or "you are completely correct Ozcar. Can I like your anus?" It's not Ozcar's fault he's a cyber-idiot, it's everyone else's fault for massaging his ego too much.

Ozcar makes up to, and including, 100% of the threads on the NG BBS every day, all in a crazy Spanglish and all about something insignificant. Whenever someone points out what a jackass he actually is, he'll respond to them in such an unintelligible manner that their brain will explode. He's probably the biggest, sucking-upiest hipocritical Mexican ever.

Well, as you've seen, I blame to some members from the Star Syndicate of vote low on my audio files and leaving abusive reviews...

I won't upload another song, till one of the admins do something about it...

How would you feel if your hard work (A flash animation/ an audio file) becomes in something understimated ? Well, I feel like not recording another song till someone do something about it... I spent around of 6 hours singing and playing to song to get it ready...I think we deserve some respect. All we deserve a just rating for our work...

- Ozcar. LOL.

by Wadefulp February 13, 2005

141👍 75👎

Politics Crew

A group of NG Regulars who think they are better than everyone else, when they really are not. They are also very parnoid and stuck up.

The Politics Crew are scared of their own shadow.

by Wadefulp November 30, 2004

11👍 3👎